Headshot of Jack

Meet Jack

Lead Data Scientist

I came into Moneysupermarket Group from a consulting role...

...starting as a Senior Data Scientist aligned to the CRM function. I quickly got involved with truly advanced analytical work – using machine learning techniques to inform the content, timing, and the written style of our email marketing. It meant rapidly becoming proficient in techniques I’d only been reading about then, but I had great support from managers and peers.

After two years I had the opportunity to lead a team at TravelSupermarket. This presented new challenges, with lots of new things to learn around project and people management. Again though, in a hugely supportive and motivating environment, I was able to pick it up.

With the team, I improved all aspects of how the business leverages data – from ingesting new third party feeds to inform marketing operations, and embedding a data-driven recommendation system on our Holiday search results page, to completely redeveloping our BI reporting suite.

I now find myself leading a team spanning two businesses, having taken on responsibility for analytics at MoneySavingExpert in late 2019, and am looking forward to finding similarly novel use cases for advanced analytics within this famous brand.

As a Data Scientist, I love to focus on big, strategic projects that move some aspect of our customer experience or internal operations forward in a lasting way. However, I often have to prioritise diagnosing the latest blip in trading performance. We’re a publicly-traded company, after all, so there has to be a big focus on making sure our financial performance meets investor expectations.

Our mission to help households save money makes all the difference. It’s a really noble cause and it's inspiring to see how much of a positive impact our company can have in peoples financial lives. The culture here manages to promote hard work, taking pride in your role, enjoying spending time in the office, and a genuine commitment to work-life balance.

If you’re hoping to join, I’d say use our websites, sign up to our emails, get very familiar with our customer experience and start thinking about what you could do to improve it.

We look for analysts to go beyond just giving the numbers and actually make a recommendation on what to do next. Also, think of a common analytical technique and think about how you would explain it to a non-technical person – it’s the interview question that most often trips candidates up!